
Showing posts from February, 2023

Teenage Counselling Services Singapore

Are you a parent of a teenager in Singapore who is struggling with emotional, behavioural or social issues?  You are not alone. Many teens in Singapore face similar challenges as they navigate the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood. That's why Total Communication Therapy Centre in Singapore offers specialized Teenage Counselling Services to help teens and their families overcome these obstacles. As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want them to be happy, healthy, and successful. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, your teenager may struggle with emotional, behavioural or social issues. Our Teenage Counselling Services at Total Communication Singapore are designed specifically to address these issues with various group programmes . Our experienced therapists and counsellors have a wealth of experience working with teens and understand the unique challenges they face. Whether your teenager is struggling with anxiety, social issues , language articul


At Total Communication Therapy Centre in Singapore , we understand the complexities of autism and the unique challenges children and families face. With years of experience working with individuals on the autism spectrum, we have developed a comprehensive support approach grounded in evidence and empathy. Our Autism Resources at our Centre in Singapore is a shining example of our commitment to providing the best possible support. This one-stop solution for information, support, and guidance is staffed by experts who have a wealth of experience working with children on the autism spectrum. We understand that every child is unique, which is why we offer various resources to meet our community's diverse needs. When it comes to therapy, we exercise evidence-based approaches that have been proven to be effective. Our speech therapy services , for example, are provided by a team of highly trained and experienced speech-language pathologists who employ the latest research to help childre