
Showing posts from November, 2022

Announcing our Winter Immersion Programmes all Through December 2022 and early 2023

  The holiday season and the new year is an excellent opportunity for skills bridging and everyone. Check out what we have in store for everyone:  Social Thinking – Social Language Group Check out why our students are confident, and so adept and “reading the room” and maintaining smooth interactions.  Our Social Thinking Group equips students with essential knowledge and practice to smoothen out those rough edges of social interactions.  What makes social butterfly stand out from an awkward teenager is their ability to connect different perspectives of those around them.   Different levels apply to different abilities.  Borrowing from concepts of Michelle Garcia Winner, the group will target:  Thinking with your eyes  Whole-body listening  Mental Verbs – Guessing, Knowing, Thinking, Expecting, Realising  Social Language will target:  Talking about non-verbals, closed and open body language Reflecting – A start of understanding to build a sense of self  Self-expressions and More!  Broch