Announcing our Winter Immersion Programmes all Through December 2022 and early 2023

 The holiday season and the new year is an excellent opportunity for skills bridging and everyone.

Check out what we have in store for everyone: 

Social Thinking – Social Language Group

Check out why our students are confident, and so adept and “reading the room” and maintaining smooth interactions. 

Our Social Thinking Group equips students with essential knowledge and practice to smoothen out those rough edges of social interactions.  What makes social butterfly stand out from an awkward teenager is their ability to connect different perspectives of those around them.   Different levels apply to different abilities. 

Borrowing from concepts of Michelle Garcia Winner, the group will target: 

  • Thinking with your eyes 

  • Whole-body listening 

  • Mental Verbs – Guessing, Knowing, Thinking, Expecting, Realising 

Social Language will target: 

  • Talking about non-verbals, closed and open body language

  • Reflecting – A start of understanding to build a sense of self 

  • Self-expressions and More! 


Social Thinking Group (for kids aged 12 to 15 years old): Winter Immersion Programme Social Group Program For students aged 12 - 15 years of age (

Social Thinking Group (for kids aged 16 to 22 years old): Winter Immersion Programme Social Group Program For students aged 16 - 22 years of age (

Lego Therapy

Do you know that Lego therapy is an evidenced based play-based therapy to engage children? Children learn to take on roles as Builder, Planner, Engineer and work through the intricacies of communication in a fun and engaging way.  

At sessions, we often see how the children encounter struggles with working in a team (much like real-life situations), but over time learn the values of compromising, sharing, listening, leading, following, suggesting, accepting rejections etc.   


Lego Therapy (for kids aged 4 to 7 years old): Winter Immersion Programme Lego Therapy 4 to 7 years (

Lego Therapy (for kids aged 7 to 12 years old): Winter Immersion Programme - Lego Therapy 7 to 12 years (

Maths Priming Group

Preparations for Math! 

Some of us wish we have had this kind of training when we were kids.  Our Math Priming Groups help to smoothen the Math learning process NOT by Pre-teaching, but by ensuring that fundamentals of math learning at present.  For some visual-spatial awareness needs to be further honed.  For others, it would mean math needs to be introduced in the form of play.   

This is a programme excellent for those who are starting to learn formal math in Primary One. -

Students whom we are anticipating to have a bumpier journey in math are those: 

  • who seem to have visual spatial difficulties; 

  • who have difficulty with remembering details; 

  • who learns by play 


Math Priming Group (for kids aged 4 to 7 years old): Winter Immersion Programmes - Maths Priming 4 to 7 years (

Maths Visual Awareness (for kids aged 9 to 11 years old): Winter Immersion Programme- Math Visual Awareness (

Write-Rite Handwriting and Literacy Program

Write Right is an evidenced-based programme that aims to merge handwriting proficiency with literacy know how.  Target both skills this holiday season.  

For students from 4 to 7 years of age. 


Write-Right (for kids aged 4 to 7 years old): Winter Immersion Programme- Write-Right ( 

Customized Programs for Schools and Families

Check out our customised programmes – with individual speech language therapy etc. 

View other Winter Immersion Programmes: Winter Immersion Programme | Total Communication

To find out which programme is best for your child this winter, contact Total Communication.

Ph: +65 9115 8895 (Phone)


These programmes offer tremendous opportunities for kids to learn and develop, and they give parents and teachers an opportunity to work together to give kids a well-rounded education.


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