
Showing posts from April, 2023

Early Intervention Centers: A Crucial Step for Children's Development

Early Intervention Centers (EICs) are crucial for children who may have developmental delays, learning difficulties, or disabilities. These centers offer a range of therapies and interventions to help children reach their full potential and improve their overall quality of life.   Early intervention centers provide a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to intervention. This means that children can receive speech therapy , occupational therapy , and educational therapy all in one place. This is particularly beneficial for children who have multiple needs, as it can be challenging for parents to coordinate appointments with different therapists and specialists.   Speech Therapists in Singapore   Speech therapists, also known as speech-language pathologists , play a critical role in early intervention centers. They help children who have difficulty with speech and language skills. This may include children who have trouble communicating their thoughts or have difficulty p

Initial Consultations and Assessments: A Crucial Step in Your Child's Development Journey

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate the developmental journey of your child, especially when you suspect that they may have difficulties in areas such as speech, language, or education. This is where initial consultations and assessments come in - they are an essential tool for therapists to understand what is going on with your child and to provide early intervention and support.   At Total Communication, we offer a wide range of services that cater to the unique needs of your child. We provide screening for students who may be at risk of learning issues, assessments, on-site speech, language, and educational therapy services, and on-site group therapy services for students with a range of difficulties, such as poor ability to acquire reading, writing skills, and social skills.   The first initial consultation (FIC) is a process where we thoroughly evaluate a child's development by working closely with parents via a Zoom call that typically lasts between 30 minutes to