Initial Consultations and Assessments: A Crucial Step in Your Child's Development Journey

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate the developmental journey of your child, especially when you suspect that they may have difficulties in areas such as speech, language, or education. This is where initial consultations and assessments come in - they are an essential tool for therapists to understand what is going on with your child and to provide early intervention and support. 

At Total Communication, we offer a wide range of services that cater to the unique needs of your child. We provide screening for students who may be at risk of learning issues, assessments, on-site speech, language, and educational therapy services, and on-site group therapy services for students with a range of difficulties, such as poor ability to acquire reading, writing skills, and social skills. 

The first initial consultation (FIC) is a process where we thoroughly evaluate a child's development by working closely with parents via a Zoom call that typically lasts between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Our team of experienced therapists will gather information about the child's abilities, challenges, and overall development. During this call, parents will have the opportunity to share their observations, concerns, and ask questions about their child's development. The FIC is designed to identify areas of concern that parents have about their child's development, so we can provide the best possible support and guidance to help their child reach their full potential. 

After the call, the therapist may provide the parents with an activity or a set of exercises to complete with their child, in order to gather additional information that will help the therapist better understand the child's abilities and challenges. This will help the therapist to develop an individualized treatment plan for the child. 

Our Full Speech and Language Assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation using expert-selected tools such as CELF and CASL-2. The assessment provides a detailed report and discussion with our clinicians to help your child reach their potential. For preschoolers, we may use one or more of the following assessment tools: Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-Preschool-2) and Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL-2). For school-aged children, we may use one or more of the following assessment tools: Clinical evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-5), Differential Screening Test of Processing (DSTP), Pretend Play enjoyment developmental checklist (PPE-DC), Test of Problem-Solving TOPS 2 Adolescent, Test of Problem-Solving TOPS 3 Elementary, and Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL-2). 

Our Educational Therapy Assessment provides a comprehensive approach to evaluate a child's math performance, including areas such as number skills, word problems, fractions, decimals, measurement, and the Feuerstein method. We also take a holistic view of their organizational skills. By analyzing these factors, we can provide customized solutions that cater to the specific needs of the child, ensuring that they reach their full potential. The assessment may use one or more of the following assessment tools: Literacy Assessment, Informal Literacy Assessment - Phonological Awareness, Queensland University Inventory of Literacy (QUIL), Lindamood Bell Auditory Conceptualization Third Edition (LAC-3) Test, and Symbol imagery /(SI) Test. 

Our Full Occupational Therapy Assessment provides an evaluation of sensory profile, motor skills, visual perceptual and visual motor skills, and handwriting skills. The assessment may use one or more of the following assessment tools: Sensory Profile (Caregiver Questionnaire), BOT-2, DCDQ'07, Movement ABC-2 performance test/checklist, Beery VMI, McMaster Handwriting Protocol, and Test of Handwriting Skills. 

Could Total Communication provide an assessment report for my child that is required by the school for admission? 

Yes, many international schools in Singapore require an assessment of the child prior to admission. This assessment provides valuable information about the child's strengths and areas for development, which can help the school to better understand the child's learning needs and tailor their education accordingly. 

Total Communication offers assessment services for children that assist parents in comprehending their child's strengths and areas that require improvement. The provided comprehensive report can be used to support their child's admission to school. With the aid of Total Communication, parents can obtain all the necessary information to facilitate their child's learning and development. 


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