Early Intervention Programme in Singapore: Nurturing Development for a Brighter Future

Early intervention plays an important role in supporting children with developmental delays or disabilities, equipping them with the necessary skills to overcome challenges and thrive. 

Why is early intervention needed?

Early intervention empowers children to:

·         Learn at an accelerated pace

·         Build meaningful friendships

·         Engage in activities alongside peers

·         Foster independence as they transition into adulthood

What does early intervention include?

Early intervention services span a range of support, including:

·         Speech therapy

·         Occupational therapy

·         Educational therapy

·         Other tailored interventions

Importance of Early Intervention

Rigorous research has shown that the critical period of child brain development happens in the earliest years. According to Harvard University (2008, 2010), this is due to the following reasons:

  • Neural circuits, which are the foundations of learning, behavior and health, are most malleable during the first three years of life.
  • Early social and emotional development and physical health provide the foundation upon which cognitive and language skills can develop.

High-quality early intervention services can alter a child’s developmental trajectory and improve outcomes for children, families and communities

Intervention is likely to be more cost-effective when provided earlier rather than later in life.

As such, early intervention methods are essential prerequisites for later success in school, the workplace, and the community. Good quality early intervention services serve a multitude of benefits including health, language and communication cognitive development and social/emotional development. Families benefit from early intervention by being able to better meet their children’s special needs from an early age and throughout their lives. Benefits to society include reducing economic burden through a decreased need for special education.

When it comes to early intervention, timing is key. Here's why enrolling a child as early as possible is crucial:

When should a child be enrolled?

The ideal time to enroll a child in an early intervention Programme is when a developmental delay or disability is suspected. Acting promptly allows for timely support and maximizes the benefits for both the child and their family.

Empowering Families:

Early intervention is not just about the child—it's about supporting the entire family. By enrolling in a Programme, families gain:

·         Guidance and resources

·         Strategies to cope with challenges

·         Access to a supportive community

·         Empowerment in navigating the special needs journey

Who can help us?

Let Total Communication help you with early intervention in Singapore.

Total Communication brings you the best of both worlds in combining the principles of Early Intervention with INCLUSIVE PRACTICES for a high-quality Early Intervention Programme. Our multidisciplinary team of qualified and dedicated speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and educational therapists work with an inclusion practitioner and educators in the school to bring individualized, remediation plans to practice.

Our overarching three-fold objectives are as follows:

  • To provide positive, early experiences that serve to change and strengthen neural circuits for real changes to happen;
  • To help the child reap the social-emotional benefits of a high-quality inclusion Programme in a mainstream setting;
  • To help provide a holistic Programme that helps not only the child but his family achieve a greater quality of life.

If you are interested in learning more about our Early Intervention Programme, please contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started.

Contact Total Communication for Early Intervention Programme in Singapore.

Phone: +65 6011 8762

WhatsApp: +65 9115 8895

Email: enquiries@totalcommunication.com.sg

Address: 10 Winstedt Road, Block A #02-01, SINGAPORE 227977


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